The School Of Betty

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These 3 Articles Will Help You Close Out The Year Right

The last two weeks of the year can feel like a whirlwind (Okay...this whole year felt that way, but I digress).  You know what really gets me on a soapbox? Ending the year feeling bad. WHAT!?

Nope, that’s not okay.

So often we write off the entire year when we aren’t yet finished! I believe that you can do a lot in two weeks and the last two weeks of the year are a PERFECT time to complete some things.  I learned a lot from my friend Cass at the Subtraction Project on this subject (she’s so brilliant).

So why don’t we take these last two weeks and complete something?  

I was taking a look at the top blog posts over the past year, and there were 3 that popped out to me that will really help you get something moving.  Even if you’ve read these before, take another peek.

At the foundation of what I teach, it’s all about understanding your emotions and your current behaviors. THEN, we can begin to take actions to create habits but we first have to understand where we are.  And guess what? It doesn’t have to be hard.

Simple actions performed consistently….well, there’s your badass life.  It’s powerful.